My Headshot is Next Week, Now What?
Here’s a few tips for your upcoming headshot:
Avoid getting sunburn at all costs. Excessive amounts of sun can lead to unwanted redness and irritation - we all know this. If you come in with a sunburn, we’ll have to reschedule your session.
Lots of water. There is nothing better than pure H20 to make your skin feel great. Since your entire face is covered by skin, we want our skin to feel hydrated and vitalized, water is key!
Focus on eating healthy foods starting right now. Salty and fried foods cause bloating and water retention. Healthy foods will make you feel better, giving you even more confidence in front of the camera.
Most people do not use any moisturizer, start immediately. This will help prevent dry and flakey skin when you come in for your headshot. You want to use a moisturizer where WATER is the first ingredient. Wash your face in the morning and before you go to bed. (I’ll write up a full post on skin care in the next few weeks)
Do not schedule your headshot if you just got a haircut. For men, I recommend coming in at least a week after your haircut and for women at least two weeks. This will ensure your hair grows in a bit and looks more natural.
Nothing will ruin your headshot more than staying up late the night before. Sure we can fix what we need to in Photoshop but if you’re tired, you’re going to act and look tired. This will have significant impact on your mood during your session and you’ll look very uninspired. We want you fresh and happy!
Plan to go easy on your makeup. We want you looking natural, this is not 1990’s glamour shots - it’s your branded headshot - this is the first think people will see before the meet you in most cases. Keep it simple!